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Rose Zhang

First Pacific Academy Foundation Scholarship Recipient

Pacific Academy Foundation will present the first $5,000 scholarship to a rising golf star, Rose Zhang, who won the 2017 Junior PGA Championship and received the 2017 Curtis Cup, the highest honor for women in amateur golf.

Rose Zhang started learning golf at age 10. After two years, she was nationally ranked No. 1 in girls’ golf age division 12. She continued to maintain her rank at ages 13 and 14. It is a huge burden for Rose’s family to support her golf training, tournaments and travel. Rose and her family are grateful for the support of the Pacific Academy Foundation and the many kind donations that allow her to continue to pursue golf. We are looking forward to seeing Rose continue to shine in golf!

  • Nationally ranked No.1 in girls golf for 14-year-olds.

  • 2017 Girls Junior PGA Championship- In the four-day game, Rose hit 20  under par to tie the Junior PGA 42-year-old record. Rose also set a single-day record for day two and day three.

  • 2017 Ping Junior Solheim Representative Cup - Rose represented the US team and won the championship.

  • Toyota Tour Cup: Southern California PGA-Rose won two championships.

  • Evian Junior Championship in France - Rose was one of the four USA representatives. The US team won the championship.

  • Girls American Cup Southern California representative. Rose hit 21 under par and won the championship. This was also the record for her personal best.

  • 2017 First Team Rolex Junior All American

  • 2017 Curtis Cup Player of The Year - This is the highest honor for women in amateur golf.

Pacific Academy Foundation宗旨是支持有音樂、藝術或運動才華、肯努力的學生,讓他們不會因為經濟因素而放棄夢想,我們提供獎學金、免費升學輔導、比賽、表演機會幫助他們繼續發展才華、實現夢想。

我們的第一筆$5000 獎學金將頒發給給張斯洋Rose Zhang. Rose以亮麗的高爾夫球表現、優異的成績和不懈的努力獲得這筆獎學金。


我們看到Rose的潛力,希望幫助她繼續在高爾夫球上有更好的表現。Rose獲得Pacific Academy學校的全額獎學金,但她還需要經費去參加外州甚至外國的邀請賽,一場比賽平均$3000的費用,對她的家庭是沈重的負擔。PA Foundation 為Rose找各種資源和贊助,讓她終於有機會參加外州邀請,Rose沒有讓支持她的人失望,2017年贏得多次大比賽,代表美國隊到法國參加Evian青少年高爾夫球賽獲得冠軍,為國爭光,更以低於標準桿20桿的紀錄獲得2017 Junior PGA冠軍,一舉轟動高爾夫球界。

PA Foundation這次頒發$5000獎學金給Rose,未來PA Foundation會持續在大學申請、獎學金、及高爾夫球各方面支持Rose, 在大家的支持下,Rose必將成為高爾夫球界的明日之星!

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